Interesting Tid Bits

Sunday, July 3, 2011

We Play Photos

Photo Shoots: Faces say what we can't.
This Face Says...

...Hey wanna go shred the slopes?

... I get beat up everyday at lunch too!!

... I can be inconspicuous if I need to be.

...who says perms are out of style??

... standing on a frozen lake is a bad idea.

... no. i didn't just do that.

... this is where we stop. collaborate. and listen.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Blogging about a Blog

So there is an awesome new blog you should check out! Its called Post Dream. You get one paragraph to tell a dream you have had in your life. Could be good could be bad could be ugly. No matter what type of dream it is its an awesome thing. So head to and get the ball running. Some pretty awesome people are running it so any help would be simply marvelous.

Happy 2011 everyone.


Also, here is my photo of the day: