Interesting Tid Bits

Sunday, November 1, 2009

We Play School

Some adventures of absurd, yet still highly invested, college students.

Ryan tells scary stories.

Detective work on Halloween.

New hobbies. Love it.

Footballing. Injuries included.

Sardines group. Check the elevators.

Oh Tim and Dustin...

The rocking couch. No really, it rocks back and forth.

After we woke up while camping.

Every day we try to make the next day better. So far so good.


The Slaters said...

Ahhhhh I miss those times. Enjoy them now....while you can. There are great things about having kids and a family and is definitely worth it but nothing is as fun as the care free life of a college student.

Frederick said...

you never cease to amaze me...or to make me smile.....